Tintinhull Public School

Opportunities for all in a nurturing, family environment

Telephone02 6760 9273


School Routines

Bell Times

9.00am - Playground is open. All students arriving by bus or car come through the top gate or from OHSC. (Students should not arrive at school before 9am).

9.30am    - Class Commences

10.30am  - Fruit Break (Crunch and Sip) in class

11.30am  - Recess

12.00pm  - Class 

1.30pm    - Lunch

2.15pm   - Class 

3.30pm   - Home 

Students are taken to the bottom gate and released to their parents. Students are not permitted outside the gate until the teacher on duty opens the gate. Parents are asked to collect their children from the gate. Students also line up for bus in front of the double classroom. Students attending OHSC line up in front of the office on the grassed area. 


School assemblies take place every third week on Friday afternoons commencing at 3.00pm. During these assemblies students share work and recite the school creed. Students also receive awards at these assemblies. These awards include:

Merit and Principal Awards - Three to six students are selected from each class to receive an award each week based on our P.R.O.U.D. values.

            Play safely and sensibly

            Respect others and property

            Own your behaviour

            Use your manners

            Do your best


Scripture occurs on Monday afternoons from 2.15pm - 3.00pm. We offer combined scripture in each classroom. There is also a non-scripture classunder the COLA for students who have indicated Non-Scripture on their enrolment form.


Sports Day is on Fridays. Students are expected to wear their sports uniform on this day.